Adela Cortina is a professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Valencia and a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. She is the director of the ÉTNOR Foundation’s master’s degree and interuniversity doctoral programmes with mention towards excellence in Ethics and Democracy, as well as a member of the Board of the International Development Ethics Association.

Some of her work are Ética mínima (Tecnos, 1986), Ética sin moral (Tecnos, 1990), Ética aplicada y democracia radical (Tecnos, 1993), Ciudadanos del mundo (Alianza, 1997), Por una ética del consumo (Taurus, 2002), Ética de la razón cordial (Nobel, 2007), Las fronteras de la persona (Taurus, 2009), Justicia cordial (Trotta, 2010), Neuroética y neuropolítica (Tecnos, 2011), ¿Para qué sirve realmente la ética? (Paidós, 2013).